Noncontact ultrasonic measurement bench (MUSC)
The MUSC laboratory is a state-of-the-art experimental device to improve our understanding of the propagation of mechanical waves (sismic waves, ultrasonic waves). It is dedicated to the development of new non destructive auscultation techniques of the soil, engineering structures and roadways.
Non contact ultrasonic measurements allow us to approach both industrial and fundamental research areas. Physical measurement is used to support theoretical developments or to overcome the limitations of numerical modeling in 3 dimensions.
This contactless ultrasonic measurements system is based on a laser interferometer adapted to high frequency measurements, which is combined with a downscaling of the spatial dimensions (typically few tens of centimeters) to model real phenomena at a reduced scale.
The models used can be easily machined so that edge effects can be pushed out of the study area, thus reproducing the full wave field and thus allowing us to develop innovative imaging methods.
The MUSC bench includes
- An optical table,
- A motor that allows to move the laser interferometer (receiver) over a surface of 1 m² along 2 horizontal axes (minimal step of 100 µm, accuracy of 10 µm).
- A piezoelectric source moving along one axe (minimal step of 1 mm, accuracy 100 µm),
- Guiding electronics (motion along the 3 axes, signal generation and acquisition).
+33 (0)2 40 84 57 18BouguenaisOdileAbraham
Ingénieur Chercheur du Laboratoire GERS/GeoEND
+33 (0)2 40 84 59 18
Adjoint au Directeur du Département GERS en charge de la politique internationaleBouguenaisDonatienneLeparoux
Directrice de Recherche en Géophysique